But see-through bags are far from a new concept. Apart from clear bags reappearing every few years, last year saw the quick, but mighty, explosion of net and mesh handbags. The new fully-lined plastic purse, however, won't result in you losing a lipstick or two. Maybe there's a deeper meaning to us adopting see-through bags: In a world of change, transparency is key, even if it's just letting the world peep into what we schlep around on a day-to-day basis. Or maybe we're just into the slightly tacky, slightly nostalgic look of a good ol' plastic bag that will help us breeze through a stadium's tough security policy.
Below are some designs for you to check, really nice design:
The Iridescent Crossbody
Chanel's been doing transparent crossbodys for some time now, but its holographic iterations for spring/summer 2018 threw everyone for an exciting loop.
The Shoulder Strap
While we can't all invest in a chain strap Chanel purse, we can invest in more affordable versions of the trend.
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